Better. Faster. Hiring

Better. Faster. Hiring

Introducing Jobreel, video-first hiring for the service industry.

Introducing Jobreel, video-first hiring for the service industry.

Example Profile

Search for potential employees

Search for potential employees

Search through thousands of people on jobreel and message those you'd like to hire.

Search through thousands of people on jobreel and message those you'd like to hire.

Screen where you select videos

for candidate to submit

Save time on phone screens

Save time on phone screens

Use JobReel to ask your initial interview questions and watch candidates video submissions.

Use JobReel to ask your initial interview questions and watch candidates video submissions.

Example Job posting

Decrease turnover

Decrease turnover

Video job posts better demonstrate your business. People who apply are more likely to stay.

Video job posts better demonstrate your business. People who apply are more likely to stay.